Mental Health conditions and solutions


Why is good mental health important for students?

You need to feel happy and fulfilled to enjoy and live your life to the fullest. Many students struggle with poor self-esteem as a result of traumatic childhood experiences or poor upbringing. Traumatic events early on in life can be hard to work through and may linger on for a long time. Therefore, it is important that students have the space and resources to understand and address their issues in a timely manner.

Common mental health conditions and their symptoms
  • Physical Symptoms. Appetite loss, insomnia or oversleeping, headache, body ache,etc.
  • Emotional Symptoms Continuous sadness, hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed or powerless, etc.
  • Behavioral Symptoms. Loss of concentration, diminishing enthusiasm for daily activities, erratic or listless behavior, etc.

  • Unreasonable apprehension
  • Stress, Irritability
  • Poor concentration
  • Dizziness and sweating
  • Palpitations
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache

Eating Disorders
  • Distorted body image and sense of self-worth,
  • Excessive exercise, often pushing oneself to the point of fainting
  • Palpitations
  • Dehydration
  • Fear of eating in presence of other people
  • Making excuses for eating

  •  Slurring of speech & loss of coordination
  • Unnatural and unfounded fear or anxiety
  • Development of behaviors and habits to fuel the abuse
  • The sudden need for money, sometimes even leading to antisocial behaviors
  • Development of tolerance to the substance and need to consume more of it
  • Sudden alteration of physical appearance, including loss or gain of weight, bloodshot eyes, hair loss, staining of teeth, etc.

How do I improve my mental health?

Here is a list of things you can do-

  • Breathe

Well, firstly “breathe” – as cliché as it may sound, breathing helps you relax and come back to the present moment.

  • Share your feelings with a trusted friend or family member 

It is necessary to let your feelings out. You can do so by talking to someone or by journaling about them – whichever helps you feel lighter. 

  • Physical exercise

Exercising every day has more benefits than you might think. The “feel good” hormones released after a workout make you feel amazing about yourself after you’re done!

  • Spend time with yourself 

What you choose to do in your free time is vital for your growth. Comprehending your feelings, journaling, and spending time picking up your hobbies can help you deal with situations in a much better way. 

These things might help you feel better in the moment. But it’s better to reach out to a professional, and root out and resolve your issues for good.


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