How to work on your Self-Improvement programme


How to work on it?

 Start thinking about yourself: Prioritize everything you want and you do not want. What makes you feel lively and what is the best for you out of every situation. Learn to let go things just for your own sake of peace. Stay positive with the situations when things are not working out well in other words don't be harsh on yourself. It is completely fine to feel low sometimes but it is not fine when you don't do something to pull yourself out from certain things that let you and your peace drown. Take time to process and evaluate what is the best thing that will work according to the circumstances. Try to identify the pros and cons that might affect you in certain ways and pick the best decision for yourself.

And apart from all this, never let your fear, guilt, pressure or any bad experience come in between while figuring out things for yourself that YOU think is appropriate for you. And also don't try to go along with the thinking of the crowd, what other people think of is their business. And in my opinion if you think and take decisions with the perspectives of some other people you will never be satisfied and happy beacause its only you who can decide what makes you happy, what you actually desire and wish.

So, always keep your interests and yourself high in your priority list.


Find yourself: When we talk about self-care and nurturing ourselves, its not only about getting relaxed and all the comfortable things. But instead it also helps you to develop yourself, to find your interests and hobbies, likes and dislikes, what makes you feel soothing and what do you enjoy doing which is on the same hand productive too. It also promotes you to incorporate improvements in your personality, to develop a better version of yourself that you should find fascinating.

But to develop improvements in one they must know what is and how it is best for them, as like-:

Are they an early riser or an night owl, what is the time you are most productive at, when will you accomplish your most of the chores. Set your routine according to that.

Try to be consistent with the things you find fascinating and alter them with your creative ideas.

In order to be productive or creative, don't run in too many directions it may put you in a lot of stress and you will end up maintaining almost nothing.

Practice time management and organization, this is the ultimate life changing activity you must add in your life it makes things so much smooth and comfortable that you can yourself feel the increase in your pace of accomplishing tasks then and now.

Also, try to make a to-do list for you own convenience.



Prepare a personal development action plan-:


For health: Take out 45 mins for running, cardio, workout or for any physical activity that makes you feel less lethargic.

Add fruits, vegetables and fibre-rich food in your diet.

Maintain a proper sleep schedule, all the activities you do in next 24 hours depends how fresh you are after waking up.


For intellectual development: Adapt a habit of reading or listening knowledgeable podcasts, it is indeed a productive time consuming activity.

Or read and study about things of your interests.

Take part in group discussions and debates that will allow you to learn more about different things and will develop your personality.

 For emotional development: Meditation is the best solution for you dealing with all the anxities and stress in your day to day life.

Listen to calm music with close eyes really calm down your nerves and gives you a soothing feeling to think about everything in a whole new and positive manner.


For personality development: Focus and observe your weak points, think out of your comfort zone and practice things out of your comfort zone. This will definitely help you out to explore your own personality, developing new hobbies and interests and learning a lot more about new things and to manage things in an orderly way.




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